Weekend Invasive Removal
This past Saturday (the last day of April) Jean and her husband Phil joined Belmont volunteers at the 8th annual Lone Tree Hill Clean Up and Invasive Plant Removal. The event was organized by Belmont Citizens Forum and JKR Conservation Fund. The weather was perfect, and the commitment, intense. Half of the volunteers removed garbage and pulled over a dozen bags of garlic mustard from the woods. The other half planted pine tree saplings at the Pine Allee along Concord Ave. These invasive pull sessions will continue every Saturday morning through June (and should probably continue into the fall!) After garlic mustard comes Black Swallowwort and Japanese Knotweed…harder to pull, for sure! To join this noble effort, please contact Radha Lyengar at; riyengarma@gmail.com. Hope to see you at the next one!