Hivewashing? Honey Bees are not endangered, but native bees are!

David Segal of New York Times, published an interesting article last month covering Beekeeping in Slovenia and why beekeepers are starting to debunk the myth that honey bees are endangered. If you have been following along with us at DNP for a while, you already know that the real bees we are trying to protect are our endangered native bees, and that honeybees can travel much greater distances and compete for resources with our native bees. Planting pollinator gardens and creating habitat for our native bees provides food and shelter, but the misinformation about honeybees and beekeeping is dangerous. Many people believe that keeping bees on their office rooftops is providing an environmental service, but in fact it is doing a major disservice by introducing large populations of hungry honeybees into urban areas with already limited resources for native bees. Learn more in Segal’s article below.


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